It’s “Engagement Season” and boy are we excited about all the wonderful wedding possibilities for 2018! Many couples, after popping the question and saying yes of course, will jump head first into planning for the big day – there is no time like the present. Thinking about all that goes into planning a wedding is never an easy task but it must be done.
In our tech savvy world of 2017, a lot of our planning takes place online-Think Destination Weddings! You may never get to meet your wedding planner face to face until the day before or the day of your wedding as the majority of planning takes place through the heavy use of technology. With this in mind, we know that the nature of your wedding invitations will be either paper or paperless. This, for most couples, will be an easy decision but for some, this will have to be an area of much compromise.
To give you a head start and some much needed assistance with this great debate, we have decided to share with our engaged couples, a few pros to the paper vs. paperless wedding invitation debate. There are many written articles online that seem to have classified wedding invitations into 2 categories: paper (formal) vs. paperless (casual) making this the strongest ground for the wedding invitation debate.

- Eco friendly paper– with millennials reporting for a large percentage of how we do things in this age, using regular paper for your wedding invitations may be frowned upon. But thanks also to the millennials, there are a lot of eco friendly papers that can be used to create elegant wedding invitations.
- Specifications– with paper invitations, couples can be very specific about whom they are inviting: the family (The Pearsons); a couple (Lola & guest); a single person (Jillian Wiles).
- Address– you think that all your intended guests should have email addresses and/or facebook pages, well think again! Chances are you will have guests who may not have facebook pages. Therefore, paper wedding invitations would be the preferred choice as everyone definitely has a home address.
- Private & Personal: When you mail your paper invitations, they will be sent to the intended invitees. You will less likely have to: deal with unwanted comments being posted or send invitations to uninvited guests in error.
- Formal: Traditionalists belief that paper & ink is very important especially for a formal event as your wedding. Remember that your wedding invitations are also a part of your wedding history- a keepsake for your guests.

- Inexpensive: we know weddings are an expensive occasion and couples also look to find ways of being thrifty and electronic invitations (evites) are one of the areas in which couples may choose to cut the wedding budget.
- Environmentally friendly: e-vites are simply electronic invitations- no paper required! And why not?! It’s always a great way to go green!
- Efficient: It will take a couple less work to do evites: it saves times that would be spent collecting mailing addresses; keeping track of RSVPs etc. Your intended guests may live half way around the world; the evite is perfect in this instant: it will get to your invitees quicker than mail ever could!
- Guest List: some evite allows your guest to see your guest list. This is a more tactful way of knowing who is attending without having to ask around.
- Instant: updates/changes are instant! With the evite, a couple can quickly make changes to date, time, venue etc. with ease without having to resend updated paper invitations.